The Peace Pledge Program

The Peace Pledge Program is a global chapter-based program that empowers kids to put our Peace Pledge into action in ways that are culturally relevant and personally meaningful.

We provide free peace curriculum to parents, educators, and NGO leaders who wish to teach kids peace by fostering their innate wisdom.

Parents, Educators, and NGO Leaders love it because our curriculum is…

  • Free
  • Adaptable
  • Kid-Driven
  • Communal
  • Global
  • For Tots to Teens

…and it empowers kids to become lifelong peacebuilders!

Our Peace Pledge Program Impact

400 chapters

2 schools &
peace centers built
(Kenya & Pakistan)


Kids for Peace Chapters & The Peace Pledge Program

Everything you may need to know in order to start and/or join a chapter.

The Peace Pledge was created in 2006 by the youth in our very first Kids for Peace Chapter. It is a promise to care for and respect everyone and everything through our words and actions. We believe that if EVERYONE lived by the words of the Peace Pledge, there could be peace throughout our world. Kids for Peace Chapters use the individual lines of pledge as a guide to inspire and develop kind and conscientious projects that they feel connected to and passionate about pursuing.

The Peace Pledge Program is a global, chapter-based program that empowers youth to put our Peace Pledge into action in ways that are culturally relevant and personally meaningful. Through personalized support and comprehensive tools, adult and youth leaders use this program to help guide groups of youth (our Kids for Peace Chapters) in projects that help make the world a better place for all.

A Kids for Peace Chapter is a group of youth who come together regularly to talk about peace and what they can do to create it. Kids for Peace Chapters are led by a volunteer adult or youth Chapter Leader who gently supports the group in putting the lines of the Peace Pledge into action. Youth under the age of 18 are welcome to lead their own Kids for Peace Chapter with an adult advisor. When, where, how often and for how long a chapter meets is entirely up to the Chapter Leader and what works best for the group as a whole. Chapters may range in size from 3 to 300+ members.

Chapters can form through neighborhood friends, schools/classrooms, or existing organizations.

A kind and compassionate heart, a love of children and the pure intention of creating a better, more peaceful world is really all you need! The program is easy, adaptable, youth-driven and FUN! If you have a group of youth to bring together and a designated place and time to meet, you are all set!

We just ask that our chapters to do their best to complete at least 3 projects within a year’s time from any of the following 6 categories:

  1. A “Kind Words” project: for example, gratitude notes, awareness campaigns, etc.
  2. A “Help Others” project: for example, a food/book/clothing drive, a community service project, etc.
  3. A “Care for Our Earth” project: for example, a trail/beach/urban cleanup, a composting lesson, etc.
  4. A “Respect Others” project: for example, sending Peace Packs (backpacks filled with school supplies or hygiene care) to youth in other countries), writing Peaceful Pen Pal letters, etc.
  5. A “Join Together” project: for example, visiting a senior center or an animal shelter, etc.
  6. A “Create Peace” project: for example, participating in The Great Kindness Challenge or the Peace Day Challenge.

We also ask our chapters to stay in touch with us and share the beautiful work they are doing so that we may share it with our network and inspire more goodness!

Yes! We give Chapter Leaders access to an online Leaders’ community and provide a detailed Leaders’ Manual with information on getting a chapter started, creating and implementing Peace Pledge projects, and lots more! We also offer ongoing support and look for opportunities to create collaborative partnerships and projects between KfP Chapters all over the world.

No. Our Kids for Peace Chapters are financially independent from Kids for Peace Global. It is entirely possible to run a Kids for Peace chapter without any expenses. Being kind does not have to cost anything!

The guardians of our U.S. neighborhood & afterschool chapter members need to complete and sign an online member registration form to help legally protect the Chapter Leader. The online registration includes a $25 registration fee which provides the youth member a Kids for Peace t-shirt! However, there is an option to pay what you can or waive the registration fee completely (in this case no Kids for Peace t-shirt will be provided).

Our U.S. School and U.S. Affiliate chapter members are not required to complete a member registration form as they fall under the protection of their school or their existing organization.

Our international chapter members are also not required to complete a member registration form.


If you are part of a neighborhood or afterschool chapter, ask your Chapter Leader for the link to the online member registration form – you can purchase a t-shirt through that form.

If you are part of a school chapter or an affiliate chapter, you may either order from our online store or the Chapter Leader may place a bulk order through our online order form.

If you are part of an international chapter and/or have a connection to an online screen printer to print your own Kids for Peace t-shirt, you may find the logo and Peace Pledge available for screen print on our Chapter Leader Resources page.

Here are some ways our youth have put the Peace Pledge into action:

Please email with any questions – we welcome them! If you prefer to speak over the phone, please let us know what number and time would be the best to reach you.

We invite you to complete this online form to find out if there is an active chapter in your area.

Yay! Complete this online form and once we have processed your registration (usually within 1 week), we will be in touch with links to resources and tools to help your new Kids for Peace chapter get started!

We look forward to uniting in peace with you!

Please check our annual report for the list of Kids for Peace Chapters around the world.

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I pledge to use my words to speak in a kind way.

As part of the Peace of My Heart project, kids all over the world distribute hearts with messages of love and hope.

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I pledge to help others as I go throughout my day.

The SAI International School Kids for Peace chapter in Bhubaneswar, India hosts a book drive, installs a library, and shares story time with underserved neighborhood friends.

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I pledge to care for our earth with my healing heart and hands.

The Kids for Peace founding chapter in California, USA creates a public service announcement (PSA) to encourage others to protect and save the ocean.

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I pledge to respect people in each and every land.

Kids learn about children in other cultures and then create Peace Packs (knapsacks filled with school supplies, toiletries, toys, and a note of friendship) to give to their new friends.

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I pledge to join together as we unite the big and small.

Kids in the United States show their unity at school with a giant peace sign.

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I pledge to do my part to create PEACE for one and all.

Kids use their Peace Pledge Workbooks to learn how they can put peace into action at the Kids for Peace School and Peace Center of Pakistan.

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I pledge to use my words to speak in a kind way.

The Kids for Peace founding chapter in California, USA uses kind words to express gratitude at a city council meeting.

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I pledge to help others as I go throughout my day.

The Kids for Peace Sierra Leone chapter in Freetown, Sierra Leone grows vegetables in a community garden and shares the harvest with those in need.

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I pledge to care for our earth with my healing heart and hands.

Kids tend their school garden at the Kids for Peace School of Kenya.

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I pledge to respect people in each and every land.

Kids travel to other countries,learn about each other, and make new friends.

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I pledge to join together as we unite the big and small.

The SAI International School Kids for Peace chapter in Bhubaneswar, India brightens the spirits of local elders with cards, flowers, songs, and happy conversations.

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I pledge to do my part to create PEACE for one and all.

Kids express their commitment to creating peace through art at the Kids for Peace School of Kenya.

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I pledge to use my words to speak in a kind way.

The Kids for Peace Salone chapter in Sierra Leone uses kind words through song to uplift friends.

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I pledge to help others as I go throughout my day.

The Gombe Education Brand Kids for Peace chapter in Kampala, Uganda collects and delivers useful supplies for babies in need.

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I pledge to care for our earth with my healing heart and hands.

The Killara Kids for Peace chapter in Sydney, Australia cleans up local unoccupied land.

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I pledge to respect people in each and every land.

Kids express love and care through chapter to chapter messages.

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I pledge to join together as we unite the big and small.

The Kids for Peace founding chapter in California, USA joins together to take care of animals.

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I pledge to do my part to create PEACE for one and all.

One by one, kids from chapters all over the United States inspire others during their rallies for peace.

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