We are building a global community of kind, compassionate and empowered young people who are uplifting the world through love and action.

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The Peace Pledge Program

is implemented by our chapters around the world. Kids meet regularly to put the words of our Peace Pledge into action in ways that are culturally relevant and personally meaningful.

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The Great Kindness Challenge

is implemented by schools and families worldwide. This positive and proactive kindness initiative gives students and families the tools to foster a culture of compassion, acceptance, unity, and respect in their homes, schools, communities, and the world.

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Global Friends Program

In an effort to create a more peaceful
world, we encourage our youth to connect
with children in countries outside of their
own. We do this through various projects
including Kind Coins campaigns, You
Are Loved Backpacks, and responses to
humanitarian crises.

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Care For Our Earth

Our planet is in need of love and care now
more than ever before. In this program,
our youth work together to address their
region’s most pressing environmental
issues. From idle-free campaigns on school
campuses to composting and community
cleanups, our youth lead the way to a
cleaner, greener future.

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Community Builders

If the global pandemic taught us anything,
it is that we need each other. Through this
program, we connect with our community
to enrich the relationship between our
youth and the people around them.
We’ve done this through projects like The
Grandfriends Kindness Project and the
Kindness Unites Paperchain.

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Our Impact

Over 19 million
youth engaged in
our programs


2 schools,
3 playgrounds &
1 health clinic built






Over 20,000
Peaceful Pen Pals


Over 10,000
Peace Packs


I am a peacebuilder…

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"I helped set a Guinness World Record! I united with 180,000 friends who brightened the spirits of hospital patients by creating the world’s largest collage of kind-hearted handprints."

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"I am a published author. I helped to write Wish Big: Children’s Wishes for the World."

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"I was part of the volunteer team that built the Kids for Peace School of Kenya."

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"I learned about Nepal and made a Peace Pack for my new friends."

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“During our Peace Pledge Tours, I presented the Peace Pledge at the United Nations and on the House Floor of Congress.”

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“I select and honor our annual Peace Hero.

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“I help a friend go to school. I sponsor a Rafiki Amani at our Kids for Peace School of Kenya.”

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“I live by the words of the Peace Pledge at the Kids for Peace School and Peace Center in Pakistan.

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Help us create PEACE

Give $50 and send a Peace Friend to a school for the entire year.

Organize a party, have fun, and raise money for peace.

Provide an underserved child the opportunity to be part of Kids for Peace.

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Help start a chapter in a low income or underserved community.

Become a Kindness Certified Company & propel our kindness movement forward!

Help create a culture of kindness at an underserved school.


Sponsors & Supporters

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I pledge to use my words to speak in a kind way.

As part of the Peace of My Heart project, kids all over the world distribute hearts with messages of love and hope.

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I pledge to help others as I go throughout my day.

The SAI International School Kids for Peace chapter in Bhubaneswar, India hosts a book drive, installs a library, and shares story time with underserved neighborhood friends.

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I pledge to care for our earth with my healing heart and hands.

The Kids for Peace founding chapter in California, USA creates a public service announcement (PSA) to encourage others to protect and save the ocean.

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I pledge to respect people in each and every land.

Kids learn about children in other cultures and then create Peace Packs (knapsacks filled with school supplies, toiletries, toys, and a note of friendship) to give to their new friends.

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I pledge to join together as we unite the big and small.

Kids in the United States show their unity at school with a giant peace sign.

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I pledge to do my part to create PEACE for one and all.

Kids use their Peace Pledge Workbooks to learn how they can put peace into action at the Kids for Peace School and Peace Center of Pakistan.

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I pledge to use my words to speak in a kind way.

The Kids for Peace founding chapter in California, USA uses kind words to express gratitude at a city council meeting.

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I pledge to help others as I go throughout my day.

The Kids for Peace Sierra Leone chapter in Freetown, Sierra Leone grows vegetables in a community garden and shares the harvest with those in need.

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I pledge to care for our earth with my healing heart and hands.

Kids tend their school garden at the Kids for Peace School of Kenya.

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I pledge to respect people in each and every land.

Kids travel to other countries,learn about each other, and make new friends.

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I pledge to join together as we unite the big and small.

The SAI International School Kids for Peace chapter in Bhubaneswar, India brightens the spirits of local elders with cards, flowers, songs, and happy conversations.

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I pledge to do my part to create PEACE for one and all.

Kids express their commitment to creating peace through art at the Kids for Peace School of Kenya.

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I pledge to use my words to speak in a kind way.

The Kids for Peace Salone chapter in Sierra Leone uses kind words through song to uplift friends.

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I pledge to help others as I go throughout my day.

The Gombe Education Brand Kids for Peace chapter in Kampala, Uganda collects and delivers useful supplies for babies in need.

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I pledge to care for our earth with my healing heart and hands.

The Killara Kids for Peace chapter in Sydney, Australia cleans up local unoccupied land.

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I pledge to respect people in each and every land.

Kids express love and care through chapter to chapter messages.

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I pledge to join together as we unite the big and small.

The Kids for Peace founding chapter in California, USA joins together to take care of animals.

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I pledge to do my part to create PEACE for one and all.

One by one, kids from chapters all over the United States inspire others during their rallies for peace.

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